Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Long time since a post!

I have been spending my social media time with Instagram lately. I hadn't realized how long it has been since I was here on the blog! 

My apologies to any faithful readers who will see this!

The boys have grown so much since that superhero post. And Corbin got a major haircut! No one is even going to recognize them!!

Here are some good ones-- 

Saturday, January 30, 2016


The boys love wearing their superhero pajamas and running, I mean flying, around the house. 

I appreciate how (most of the time) Corbin is such a good big brother. He rarely complains about the sacrifices he has to make to help Cole. Cole on the other hand wants to be like his big brother. He tries to run as fast, jump off as high of things, and wants to do Corbin's chores.Corbin wishes Cole could do them! 

I am grateful for my little heroes.  

Thursday, January 14, 2016

So glad when daddy comes home!

Tom was out of town for a few days last week for work. We were all so happy to have him come home. 

We made him a sign. I wrote exactly what Corbin told me to write. 

And then the boys tried to stay as close to Tom as they possibly could. 

These boys sure do love their dad!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Friday, January 1, 2016

My Jedi Knights!

Glow sticks. Tin foil. Creativity. 

Let the battles begin!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Some Christmas highlights

Matching pajamas opened on Christmas Eve. 

Wise men. 


We are good at supporting roles here in this Cinquini family. 

Stockings are always fun!

We checked Craigslist for weeks looking for a gymnastics mat that was reasonably priced and in good shape. The boys are constantly jumping off furniture and wrestling around. We consider this present an investment and a way to avoid large medical bills in the future. We shall see about that but as you can see here it was an instant hit!

We had the great opportunity to spend time with both sides of the family this Christmas. It made things a bit crazy but we do love the times we have together!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Growing boys

I feel like it is hard to keep up with the boys and how fast they are growing and learning. 

Corbin's vocabulary astounds me. He will always ask if we use a word that he doesn't know and then will start trying to use it almost immediately. Sometimes with hilarious results but sometimes he does well. He also is drawing more and more recognizable objects and loves to count out loud as high as he can while we drive. He skips 16 a lot but we have gotten as high as 250 on the way to school. And I can't keep up with his shoes and clothes! 

Cole is becoming a two year old a little early for my taste. His vocabulary is very limited - mom, mine, me, bye, dog, and a couple others. But he knows what he wants and that mom should move faster to get it! He hates being buckled into his car seat and grocery carts.  He loves to follow Corbin and do as he does. He does not like to go to sleep at night but would rather play into the night. 

Here are some pictures of our latest adventures-