Friday, October 14, 2011

Photos of Corbin

Let's be honest...people really just want to see photos of Corbin. No one really comes on this blog to check out what Tom and I are doing. Of course, with a baby, Corbin is really all we are up to. So, I guess it all works out.

Here are some recent photos of him.

This is Corbin learning new technology from one his cousins.
He looks so big to me in this photo!

He looks kind of chubby in this photo even though I don't think I would describe him that way normally. I think it is the way he is lying on my lap. He was 10 lbs 2 oz at his 2 month appointment and our bathroom scale has him over 11 lbs now. Makes me want to hold him even tighter as if that will slow down this growth! It makes me sad when I put on an outfit and I can tell he's not going to be wearing that one much longer.

Here is sleeping with his dad. I guess this one puts in perspective how little he really still is.

That's all for now...


  1. LOVE the picture of the two boys!!

  2. I guess I should be more specific - Tom and Corbin (although the other picture with his cousin is cute too)... :)
