Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First wrestling meet!

Saturday night Tom and I took Corbin to his first wrestling meet. Tom's college coach took a group of high school wrestlers to Russia this last summer. The Russian students they visited in Siberia came to Oregon for their part of the exchange.

Corbin watched the match pretty closely as you can see from these pictures.

During the last match, though, he became more interested in the cute high school girls behind us.

After the matches, Tom and Corbin headed down to the mat. Here is a picture of Corbin pinning his dad.

And here is Corbin getting his hand raised for the victory.

It was a fun night. We enjoyed seeing everyone out in Forest Grove and it was fun to have Corbin have his introduction to a sport Tom loves so much.

I have visions of many more Saturdays in gyms....
Blog from iPhone

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