Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Corbin and I are enjoying our longer days together. It definitely adds a new level of routine for me. I am enjoying it, but there are some things that I feel like I have done a lot. Like wash off his high chair tray. Like a million times since school got out. Ahhh...motherhood.

We bought a ton of these balls at a garage sale and so tom added them to Corbin's bath a couple nights ago. Actually this is only half of them. Corbin was a bit overwhelmed by them. He was much happier once he helped tom put most of them away. He then played with the 6 or so he left.

We also joined gymboree (thanks, groupon!). We have had one class and we went to one open gym time. Love it!! Cheesy and so fun!
Here is a couple of those photos!

King of the bridge!!

Shouting for joy!!

I have been getting ready for a sprint triathlon at the end of July. Training would be too generous of a term but I have been trying out each activity so I don't die on that day. It is .33 mile swim - 10 laps in the pool. The chlorine bugged my eyes but I know my body can do it. Then it is an 11 mile bike ride. Yesterday I went 10 so despite my now bruised butt, I made it through that. Then it is a 5k or 3.1 mile run /walk. And I have woken up early a few mornings and have done that. Now I have to put it all together. On the same day. One right after the other. Yikes! My mother-in-law and sister-in-law will be doing it, too, so we can cheer each other on! :)

Here is Corbin trying on the bike helmet. He is much cuter in it than me!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Gymboree looks like a lot of fun! Good luck with your sprint triathlon.
