Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tower building

When I picked Corbin up at the sitter's house today, her son was upset that Corbin kept knocking down the towers he was building. So I held Corbin on my lap while the big kids built towers. But they soon realized that there is not much point to building towers if you don't knock them down. They then told me to let Corbin go. He quickly fulfilled the task of knocking them all down!

At home, he has been really into building towers himself. He got megablocks for his birthday back in July and they are currently what he wants to play with every night.

Here he is--

My favorite is when he is sitting there stacking the pieces higher and higher. Then he realizes he can't add another because it's too high so he stands up to put another one on. Then he sits back down to grab another piece when he realizes he has to get up again. He does it all so easily now. It makes me realize how big he is getting!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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