Wednesday, December 25, 2013


We had a lot of toms family over yesterday for Christmas Eve, and my family is having Christmas in January so today it was just our little family.

Such a wonderful day. Lazy and relaxed. Nothing we had to do and just lots of us time. I liked it a lot.

Some fun pictures --

Corbin with our tree that tom created. And his Christmas pajamas.

Corbin has been obsessed with pirates lately so part of his make believe set...

...Which he loved. Here he is using his pirate sword to open another present with dad. They also played all day as pirates.

He also read every book as he opened them - all 8 that he got. It took us 2 hours to open all the gifts today. It was sweet to see his excitement about each one - even the toothbrush.

And maybe his favorite gift - lollipops! He had opened three of them before his aware parents noticed.

I loved these two photos of Corbin and dad watching Vine videos together. His expressions are just perfect.

Merry Christmas to all of you! I hope you had a happy day -- whatever you were doing. :)

PS - did I mention that Corbin and I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon? Heavenly!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Wow - a 3 hr nap? That would be amazing. I'm not sure which is better - that my child took a 3-hr nap, or that I got a 3-hr nap or both. Any way you slice it, it is indeed heavenly.

    2-hrs to open presents - love it. Nothing beats the enthusiasm of a child. Merry Christmas my friend.
