Wednesday, March 5, 2014

On leave

have found that I can almost forget that I have a job I am headed back to next month.  I am enjoying being home with my boys. I do miss feeling productive though. Although I have often complained about my inbox never being empty, it does feel like I get stuff done at work. 

At home, I seem to always have laundry to do, a living room to pick up, and other tasks that I feel like I just did yesterday. Or an hour before. What scares me somewhat is that none of these tasks are going to go away when I return to work. They will just become part of the evening and weekend routine instead of the slower paced day routine. 

Oh well - for now I will enjoy the longer cuddles on the couch with cole or the slower breakfasts with Corbin. 

Check out how fast they have grown--
Cole up close during that dreaded tummy time. 
Corbin was home sick with cole and me for most of last week. He wore these pajamas the entire time. 
Corbin climbed up the counter and into the cooler. He knew he was being funny.  I love watching his sense of humor develop. 
Don't you think the blue tongue brings out the blue in his eyes? Another reason to love lollipops!
Batman and Robin. Ready to help. 
I love this picture even if Robin is getting the short end of things. 
Here is Corbin cheering on cole during tummy time. 

Lots of sweet memories in the making!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Batman and Robin costumes - too cute.

    Sometimes I miss feeling productive too, despite the fact that I've done 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, fixed dinner, changed upteen diapers, settled disputes, and even managed a 15 min. power nap . . . I know what you mean about missing the overflowing inbox. But enjoy the next month as much as you can. Dirty dishes and laundry to fold can wait, right?
