Saturday, December 6, 2014

11 months

Cole turned 11 months this week. Wow - time really does fly. 

It's been a rough week for him (and his parents) as he hadn't been sleeping very well at night. He is drooling a ton (more teeth?) and he has a horribly stuffed nose. So he has even waking up every hour or two demanding to be held and rocked and loved some more. I usually take first shift and then wake up Tom at some point to take over so I can see straight. Luckily, Cole has continued to be sweet and fun during the daytime hours. 

Quick update - he currently still has just two teeth. He has discovered a love for marionberry yogurt from Tillamook. He actually licked the highchair tray! He loves to laugh at he does this thing where he gets his arms moving from side to side so fast when he gets excited. He often "talks" to me all the way home from daycare but Corbin tries to talk over him. He has a great smile but people have to earn it. No freebies here! He currently hates his car seat and he seems to be preferring the bottle to mom at this point. Hmmm?? He is making more daring transfers from one piece of furniture or the next, but really isn't walking yet. He is kind of stuck on one syllable sounds. He also loves to pull hair which is actually very painful. He's got a crazy grip. His hair is actually coming in a lot lately. It is fun to rub my face in it. 

We sure do love him and are glad he's part of our family!

Here he is resisting the car seat. But happily. :)

Grabbing the phone away from Corbin. 

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