Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Another day...

...another diagnosis.

I had to go back to the doctor today. The Ear, Nose, Throat specialist disagreed with yesterday's doctor about what was wrong. She did not see an abscess. Just infection. So, new antibiotic and a stronger painkiller to boot. I didn't really notice the painkiller kick in until the next dosage was almost due...then I noticed a difference. Oh, and...a Magic Mouthwash was prescribed to me, too. That is what the doctor called it, the pharmacist, and lo and behold, that is what is printed on the label. Too funny! Hopefully, it will help, too.

Lots of pain today. Lots.

We also went for our ultrasound to discover baby's position. He followed directions! He is now heads down! Yeah!!

So, we are focused on throat recovery and then we can refocus on baby's arrival again. Feel free to root for us on both!!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Strep or not, being sick while pregnant = no fun. Hope you get feeling better quickly. And we're definitely cheering for the arrival of baby Cinquini.
