Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chocolate Run!

So...today was the day! I am 38 weeks tomorrow, and today was the first time I have given in and actually left the house to satisfy my pregnant sweet tooth. Not too bad, I guess. :-)

I was sitting here lying on the couch feeling lazy with Tom working late moving bees with my dad and I just keep thinking about Twix bars. So...

Okay, so I was just planning on a regular sized candy bar, I promise, but...they were out...HONEST!!

Anyway, we are in final countdown mode. Carseat is installed in the car, bags are (almost) packed, and I know...we are not ready at all...


  1. You deserve to reward yourself with a chocolate run at this point. I don't know that you ever feel "ready", but you'll do great (at everything)!

  2. My cravings were anything at Taco Bell. I still love that place.

  3. How exciting. Baby is almost here! I hope your throat is all better by now. I will be thinking of you the next couple of weeks. Please, please, please put pics on your blog!
