Thursday, August 25, 2011

New Photos

Just some more photo evidence that we have the cutest baby of all time...

Oh...and I have a super cute husband, too. The above nap allowed me to unload the dishwasher. Or fold a load of laundry...or some other really tough task lately.

This is a photo of one of my favorite "mommy moments" so far.

This is my super alert ready to play 11:30 PM...of course.

We are doing great. Corbin is truly a laidback and relaxed baby who makes this new job of parenthood much easier than I think people think it should be. Of course, it is all I have to do right now. When I am grading papers and all that stuff, too, I may feel a bit differently.

Which reminds me --
I went in to work today to do a bit of computer stuff to help my substitute. I will go in for a a couple of hours next week, but then I will be off until the week of Thanksgiving. It feels very weird. Very very weird. But I am excited to have this time with Corbin. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going good . . . and that Corbin is such a laid back baby. . . and so cute :)
