Thursday, January 23, 2014

Big brother

A lot of people have asked how Corbin is doing with our new addition. If you know him, you know that Corbin is very social and loves attention. I was very worried about how he would react to sharing attention. Overall, he has done really well.

Aunt Sarah brought Corbin to the hospital on that Saturday evening. He also was going to spend the next night at my sisters so her family was there too. Tom went downstairs to meet Corbin and sarah came upstairs to be the one holding Cole when Corbin got there. I had read that suggestion in several articles about helping older siblings. This way Corbin had my full attention when he got there.

He immediately wanted up on the bed with me and asked - Mommy, what are you doing? We talked a bit and I asked if he wanted to meet his baby brother. Not yet, he told me. He got down and explored the room for a while before I told him that the baby had a gift for him. (Another hint from the experts). He came back on my lap and opened his present. With each item, he would say, thank you, baby.

We then brought Cole over for the introduction.

Overall, it went well with just a few pokes. Corbin also thought it was funny to pull the baby's hat over his face because Cole would react so much. Note to self - keep an eye out for that one.

Overall - I was pleased with that first interaction and things have been fairly good since. A couple older brother meltdowns when mom can't carry both of them but Corbin has been a good helper and thinks his brother is pretty interesting. And Corbin is still the star of the show most of the time since baby brother mostly just eats, sleeps, and poops.

Here's a couple more photos of Corbin lately.

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