Thursday, October 2, 2014

A boy and his binky

We have an addict on our hands. A sneaky conniving addict. And he's three. 

Corbin loves his binky. He wants it when he sleeps, when he's upset, when he is watching a show, whenever Cole has one, whenever he sees one, whenever he's awake. Although both Tom and I have witnessed Corbin reaching for (and finding) a binky when we are sure he is completely asleep. We even sometimes believe that he has a sixth sense that allows him to track them. 

He had been known to steal them fr his peacefully sleeping brother - much to his mothers dismay. 

He has had the dentist tell him that he needs to work on giving up the habit. He has had the doctor talk to him about how only babies use binkies and he is a big boy. But he hasn't really been on board with those ideas. We have been limiting it to bedtime but did I mention he is sneaky?

So it shocked us immensely when completely unprompted he announced to tom the other day that he should put all of his binkies in a box and give them to cole. So we acted fast. We found a box, collected all the ones we could find, and then had Corbin make the delivery. Cole was largely uninterested but we saw it as a big step and went with it. 

Until two minutes later when we realized that there was already one missing from the box and Corbin was hiding in the hall getting his fix. 

But overall he's been doing great. No binky at bedtime which has been hard (on us parents) but it has worked! It is still a struggle as he presents "the bestest plan ever" about sharing with Cole just one more night but it still has been smoother than it could be. 

Last night Tom was still at Scouts and I was putting both boys to bed. Corbin looked longingly at Coles binky but fell asleep okay. And this morning when I checked on him, he had another binky in his mouth! He must have hidden it away somewhere for emergencies!

I told you he was an addict!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I feel your pain about the binky. When Amelia's accidentally disappeared, it was the end of naps and decent bedtimes for a long time. Hopefully Corbin's "addiction" will get over soon - good luck! Oh, and good luck with the Hand & Mouth. Illnesses are no fun, right?
