Thursday, October 30, 2014

Late night/early morning musings

Today was one of those days where it is dark and rainy when the alarm clock goes off. The type of day when really all I felt like doing was crawling back in bed and sleeping a little bit more. Or a lot more. 

Corbin was obviously feeling the same way since I could hardly convince him to wake up and get dressed. And Cole was sound asleep when I had to start getting him dressed. So again I felt like calling it quits and cuddling back in bed since I don't like to face tears from my boys first thing in my morning. 

And then we had a flat tire on our way to school. Thank goodness for a husband that knew what to do while I huddled in his car with Cole. Corbin kept shouting encouraging words to his dad. "Dad, you are super fast!"

I made it to school in time for my first class - barely. I think it made me feel a step behind all day. 

Tonight driving home from the volleyball game I thought of how much I wished Fred Meyer had a drive through. Just the basics - milk, bananas, bread...maybe some M&Ms. 

Wouldn't that be nice?

And then Cole bit me tonight while I was nursing. Two teeth and I thought I was going to go through the roof. Not sure who wailed louder - me or him when I yelped. Made me a little hesitant to try again for a bit. 

Him too. 

Corbin had a great one liner today at school. The teacher asked the kids what they liked best about Halloween. Corbin told them about knocking on doors and getting candy. Then being silly, the teacher asked Cole what he liked. Corbin using his best Cole voice (kind of a higher pitched one) said - I like to get more candy for my brother.  

That had everyone laughing. Including us when the teacher passed it on. Funny boy. Same boy that as of right now has crawled into our bed - and is crowding me out. 

Maybe I will go sleep on his bed! 

1 comment:

  1. I often wish grocery stores had drive-throughs. I know I'd use it at least weekly.
