Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kids say the darnedest things

I have been writing down some of the entertaining things that come out of Corbin's mouth. He is at an amazing age where he is making observations about his world and making great conclusions. Everyone always tells us how verbal he is. Ummm...he's my son, right? And Tom's not exactly quiet. 

So here are some of my favorites - 

Dentist. Please don't get my tongue. 

When you go to the temple and get married, you can get candy. (Tom then promised him all the candy he wants on his wedding day)

Everyday we try to be good-- and go potty.

Mom - the toy store was in Minnesota. 
Corbin - laughing - the toy store was in a soda cup? That's silly. Why did you say that mama?

I don't like that kind of idea. 

Mommy, can you come lie down with me and my binky and sleep for a little bit?

Wait! It's morning time already?! How did THAT happen?

Put it in the cart if you want it. (To his dad at cabelas)

Actually I like owies on Sundays and sometimes Fridays. 

What does dew do?

(Wearing his part of his dinosaur costume and his dad was screaming) dad - it's just me in my head. 

(Upon learning that he doesn't turn four until next summer) oh man! I am going to stay like this?!

Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I laugh 
Sometimes I lose my football games 
Sometimes I win my football games 
That's what kind of world it is 

My mouth makes spit.... Look daddy.  

My legs are too sleepy to run fast. 

So-- which ones your favorite?


  1. Corbin is definitely a thinker . . . and so funny. Glad you're writing them down. Hhm? a favorite? I think I like the "what does dew do?"

  2. So adorable! I have a book with Tom's funny comments. I still laugh when I read them.
